Can Humans Use Pet CBD Oil?

CBD oil has recently made headlines in newspapers, magazines, and social media athlete pages. It is repeatedly touted as a versatile supplement that could help improve the quality of your (and your pets) life both immediately and long term.


1. What is CBD Oil?

2. How Do You Use CBD Oil?

3. Are Pet and Human CBD Oil Interchangeable?

CBD is an increasingly popular ingredient in many health and wellness circles. There has been a lot of buzz about CBD oil in the last few years, but what exactly is CBD oil?

What is CBD Oil?

First, the acronym ‘CBD’ stands for cannabidiol. Cannabidiol is a naturally-occurring chemical compound found in the flowers, leaves, and stalks of the hemp plant.

Hemp oil is NOT marijuana, but it’s one of many cannabis plants. It is a close cousin of cannabis, but hemp does not contain THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol. THC is the chemical compound in cannabis that causes you to feel high.

CBD oil is made by isolating the individual CBD compounds through extraction and then distilling them in alcohol to remove impurities. They’re usually then suspended in a carrier oil. Plants have been used by humans throughout history to improve physical and mental health and to mitigate the damage to our bodies by disease.

Specific plants have long been used in medicine, magic, and folklore, and many sets of prehistoric remains have been found with ritualistically-carried herb and plant matter on their bodies and in their camps.

The discovery of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) provided solid biologically-backed evidence of what humans have known since we were barely human: that plants have a profound ability to control, enhance, and heal our bodies and our minds.

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) plays an incredibly important role in creating memories, stabilizing mood, and regulating hormone production. It can help your brain and body learn to adapt to stress, both chronic (like work deadlines and traffic) and acute stress (particularly helpful in survival situations).

It can control the ability (or inability) to reproduce. It can affect all our body’s primary functions including depth and quality of sleep, digestion and proper absorption of nutrients, and the way our immune system protects us from illness.

An insensitivity to CBD could play a role in chronic illness and may point to how and why our bodies suddenly develop diseases like cancer.

When taking CBD oil, the CBD oils essentially encourages our bodies to work with our endocannabinoid system to maintain internal homeostasis, which is the balance across all our major regulatory systems (the nervous system, for example, or circulatory system).

It helps our body synchronize the chemicals and hormones we produce and use every day, can help manage many medical conditions (including anxiety, depression, epilepsy, cancer, and chronic pain and inflammation), and improves overall health and well-being.

Many people say they feel better, younger, and in better general health when regularly using quality top-tier CBD oil.

CBD is safe, effective, and easily metabolized by everyone. It is virtually impossible to take too high of a dosage with pet CBD oil or human CBD oil. There is no risk of becoming chemically dependent on (or addicted to) CBD oil. No serious side effects have been reported. On rare occasions mild diarrhea or slight drowsiness has been linked to high dosages.

How Do You Use CBD Oil?

The CBD oil that consumers can purchase in stores and online come in many forms: tinctures, capsules, and edibles.

Tinctures are often used sublingually, which means they are placed under the tongue for 60 seconds and then swallowed, and can be absorbed into the body significantly faster than capsules or edibles.



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