What Makes a Great Dog Bed – According to LAY LO

Does your dog share your bed? No judgment; we invite our dogs up too. Still, they need their own place to sleep and relax. Besides, dogs spend about 12 to 14 hours a day sleeping anyways and having a great dog bed can really help them.

A bed gives them a sense of comfort and security. It also gives them a place they can call their own. Plus, as an added bonus, when dogs have their own bed, this reduces the amount of dirt that will otherwise end up on your furniture.

But, a great dog bed is the one that perfectly marries your style (how it looks) with your pet’s style (how comfortable it is for them). Still, it seems crazy to realize that these beds aren’t easier to find. That’s why we tried and tested so many designs and styles as we created LAY LO to find the perfect balance between style and functionality.

At LAY LO, we want to help you find the perfect dog bed for your canine companion, so we’ve created a comprehensive guide to help you choose the right dog bed.

best dog bed size

How to Choose a Dog Bed Size

Much like yourself, dogs have preferences when it comes to sleeping. To find the ideal dog bed for your furry friend, you need to consider many things, like their breed, age, size, coat, and habits. These elements all play a role in what makes a great dog bed.



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