CBD for Dog Aggression

cbd for dog aggression, aggressive dogs, reactive dogs

Dog Aggression is a serious topic; finding an effective solution for this problem is imperative since euthanasia is often the unfortunate choice many dog owners have to make for this issue. Using CBD oil for dog aggression has been found to be a promising tool for this serious concern.

Fear, Anxiety, and Aggression in Dogs

Most canine behaviorists agree that the majority of dog aggression is due to fear and anxiety. We already have many studies showing full spectrum hemp extract’s ability to ease mood disorders. By extrapolating these studies we can make a safe assumption that as more studies are conducted, this conclusion will be further solidified, that Full Spectrum Hemp Extract CBD Oil is an effective option for aggressive behaviors in dogs.

Conventional Options For Dog Aggression

Full Spectrum Hemp Extract CBD Oil helps to achieve homeostasis throughout the body. Additionally, its ability to regulate stress hormones is done naturally and without side effects. This is in contrast to traditional veterinary pharmaceutical tools used to control dog aggression, such as Fluoxetine (Prozac), Sertraline (Zoloft), Clomipramine (Clomicalm), and Propanolol (Intensol). All of these conventional options come with a host of unpleasant side effects, short and long-term. In addition, as further studies are conducted on these conventional options, many are losing their favor among veterinary professionals.

Antidepressants like Fluoxetine work on specific receptors in the brain, while Full Spectrum Hemp Extract CBD Oil works on those very same receptors in a much safer and more comprehensive way. Not to mention, FSHE does not come with any long-term side effects like liver and kidney damage, and can be discontinued without tapering.It also helps with far more than brain chemistry, due to its systemic benefits in the body, such as lowering inflammation and immune modulation.



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