Dog hip dysplasia is the most common orthopedic disease for medium to large breed dogs and can affect 10%-70% of pure breeds. If you are worried your dog may have hip dysplasia, there are several options for treating and reducing symptoms.
We’ll cover all your options for treating hip dysplasia and explain why CBD may be a natural alternative to reduce inflammation and pain associated with dog hip dysplasia.
What Causes Hip Dysplasia for Dogs?
Canine hip dysplasia is a disease that deforms the top of the femur where the hip joint grows at a different rate, creating uneven rubbing of the joint cartilage. It can cause pain, difficulty moving, and osteoarthritis. Hip dysplasia often develops during a dog’s juvenile growth phase.
The American College of Veterinary Surgeons reports that the two leading causes of canine hip dysplasia are:
Unfortunately, hip dysplasia is prevalent for larger dog breeds and some mixed breed dogs. The breeds that are very susceptible to hip dysplasia include:
- Bulldogs
- German Shepherds
- Golden Retrievers
- Labrador Retrievers
- Mastiffs
- Old English Sheepdogs
- Rottweilers
- Saint Bernards
If you’re worried your dog may have hip dysplasia or may be susceptible based on its breed, you should see your veterinarian to diagnose and discuss your treatment options.
Rapid weight gain and growth through overeating can also cause hip dysplasia. Nutritional studies also show that these nutritional factors can influence hip dysplasia development:
- Rate of Growth and Weight Gain
- Feeding Methods
- High-Calorie Feed Consumption
- Specific Nutrients (such as calcium)
- Electrolyte Balances
If you have a larger breed dog, it is important to feed your dog a balanced puppy food designed for large breeds. This way, your dog will maintain a healthy weight and won’t gain weight rapidly during its growth phase.
Symptoms of Hip Dysplasia in Dogs
Puppies can show signs of hip dysplasia as early as two to three months old but usually develop in puppies that are one to two years old. And some dogs may not show signs until they are much older as their bones gradually degenerate. Here are the most common symptoms of canine hip dysplasia: