CBD Oil for Cats: Everything You Need to Know

CBD Oil for Cats: Everything You Need to Know

Many people in the dog world have been using CBD for years. But what about cats? This article will help you learn more about CBD oil for cats so that you can make an informed decision about what is best for your feline friend.

Here are the most frequently asked questions cat owners often ask about CBD oil. Click the link below to jump to the answers you are most interested in learning about:

What is CBD?
How does CBD work?
Are CBD oil and hemp oil the same thing?
What does full-spectrum mean and is it good for my cat?
Is CBD oil safe for cats?
Do I need a prescription to give CBD oil to my cat?
How much CBD oil is right for my cat?
What if my vet won’t talk to me about CBD?
How do I make sure to get a high quality CBD oil for my cat?
Is there any scientific research on CBD oil?

What is CBD?

CBD is short for cannabidiol, one of 80 plus natural compounds found in many plants, including those from the cannabis family.

One of the two most researched compounds found in the now legal plant called hemp, cannabidiol has been the subject of hundreds of research studies over the last three decades. This includes medical research on anxiety, inflammation, pain, sleep, appetite, mood, metabolism, a wide variety of skin problems, immunity, gut health, and more.

Unlike THC, the compound found in marijuana that creates the psychological effect known as a “high,” CBD is not psychoactive. And, because the hemp strains of cannabis are legally defined to have less than .3% of THC, CBD oil made from hemp is safe for pets, including cats.

How does CBD work?

CBD and the other natural compounds found in hemp interact with the body’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS). This system was discovered in the 1980’s and scientists learned that the ECS acts as a regulator to create balance or “homeostasis” in a variety of body functions.

The ECS works with the central and peripheral nervous system to regulate a large number of processes including pain, inflammation, appetite, mood, memory, the immune system, digestion, sleep, skin health and more.

It is important to understand that the ECS includes special receptors, transmitters, as well as endocannabinoids which are produced by the body itself.

In fact, evolutionary scientists have argued that the Endocannabinoid System and the early diets of hunter gatherers may have coevolved. Moreover, adding cannabinoids back into the diet, they suggest, may help mitigate some of the issues caused by our modern diets full of commercially processed grains and carbohydrates.

And yes, your cat has an ECS. In fact, all mammals on the planet have one!



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