Cracking carrot cake recipe

Deliciously crunchy, packed with nutrients, and dog-friendly – we’re talking about everyone’s favourite orange vegetable, the humble carrot. Carrots are the perfect springtime treat for your dog because they’re low calorie and full of fibre. Top tip: if your dog is teething, pop one in the fridge or freezer for an hour to help soothe their gums!

And if you fancy taking things to the next level, we’ve got you covered with our carrot cake recipe for dogs. Full of super simple ingredients (just oat flour, egg and carrot), it’s a quick and easy recipe that you can make in the microwave in just a few minutes.

We topped ours with xylitol-free peanut butter and one of our Duck Biscuits – you could also use dairy-free yoghurt and some grated coconut!


1 cake

What you’ll need

200g oat flour (or whizz up whole oats in a blender until finely ground)
1 egg
20ml water
1 small carrot
Pinch of cinnamon
Coconut oil for greasing
Xylitol-free peanut butter (optional)
Grated coconut (optional) Duck Biscuits (optional)



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