How to Care for Your Cat

No matter how brave and independent your cat may seem, they’re counting on you to give them a safe and loving environment for the rest of their lives.

This guide gives an overview of the basic questions you’re likely to have as a cat owner, from everyday quirks to more serious health issues. Trying to understand these mysterious creatures can be overwhelming at tim-behes but they bring so much joy to the journey that it’s well worth the effort.

General Cat Care


The instinct to pick up and cuddle your cat may be hard to resist. While the right amount and kind of petting can be the highlight of your bonding experience, cats don’t like to feel constrained, so be considerate during handling and don’t overstay your welcome or touch your cat if they don’t seem to be in the mood.

Keep in mind, also, that there’s a right and wrong way to hold a cat. With one hand, gently lift up on the chest just below the front legs, while using your other hand to scoop and support your cat’s hind legs and tail. If you hold your cat the wrong way not only will you cause them unnecessary stress you might also receive some nasty scratches


Regular grooming isn’t just a matter of vanity for your cat, it’s important for their health – preventing hairballs and stimulating circulation. Grooming also happens to be a great way for you to bond with your cat.

Long-haired cats will require a wide-toothed comb or pick, while kitten fur calls for softer brushes. Check for lumps, skin irregularities, and fleas during each grooming session.

A Cozy Bed

Sleep is certainly near the top of your cat’s list of favourite activities, so cater to this interest and provide several comfy spots for your cat to snooze. It may take some experimentation to discover whether they prefer a soft bed or a simple cardboard surface. Most cats enjoy having a view to keep tabs on the world below, so you can’t go wrong by giving them a setup near a window. If you’re taking in very young kittens, it’s important that they have a heating pad to keep them warm.



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