How to Clean Dog’s Ears at Home

How to Clean Dog’s Ears at Home

While most dogs don’t need their ears cleaned frequently, not cleaning altogether can lead to ear infections and diseases. It is estimated that at least 20 percent of all dogs have some form of ear disease, and infections are especially common in dogs with floppy ears or ear hair.

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Why Clean My Dog’s Ears?

There are many benefits of cleaning your dog’s ears. Some reasons for cleaning your dog’s ears are:

· Improved hearing

Excess wax and dirt build up inside the ear canal interfere with hearing by acting as a kind of block for sound waves. Cleaning the ear canal to remove excess wax can significantly improve your dog’s hearing, depending on the severity of the block.

dog hearing

· Prevent infection  

Ear infection in dogs is a common condition and most often affects breeds with floppy ears. It is extremely painful and caused by excess dirt and wax, creating a feeding ground for yeast and infection-causing bacteria. Regular cleaning prevents excessive wax buildup, consequently going a long way in preventing ear infections.

· Flush out mites

A special type of mite known as an ear mite is known to live in pet ears. It feeds upon ear wax and oil and is contagious and almost invisible to the naked human eye. To check for dog ear mites, spread some of your dog’s ear wax on a piece of paper. If you see any small white specks, clean your dog’s ears more frequently to get rid of the mites.

· Avoid water trapping

Dogs are particularly prone to water getting trapped in their ear canals, and this trapped water can dramatically increase the risk of infection. Cleaning your dog’s ears regularly can help get any trapped water out and keeps your dog’s ears dry and clean.

· Remove debris

Dirt, small twigs, and weeds can get trapped in your dog’s ears after it plays outside. It is important to remove this debris as soon as possible to prevent serious health risks, and cleaning your dog’s ears regularly is the best way to do so.

· Maintain hygiene

Another reason for regularly cleaning your dog’s ears is to maintain hygiene and keep your dog neat and clean. However, you should avoid cleaning too frequently to not kill the good bacteria that live in your dog’s ears and help it combat yeast and harmful bacteria.

What Do You Need?

To clean your dog’s ears at home, you will need the following supplies:

  • Ear cleaning solution  

Commercially available dog ear cleaning solutions are a safe and effective way to clean your dog’s ears. To buy the best dog ear cleaning solution for your dog, look for one that is vet-approved and suited to your dog’s needs. You should also go through the ingredients list to avoid anything your dog could have a reaction to.

  • Cotton balls or gauze

Before trying to clean your dog’s ears, you should have some cotton balls or gauze ready to clean any loosened debris and excess solution. You should also use a cotton ball soaked in alcohol to clean anything that touches your dog’s ear to prevent the spread of yeast or bacteria.

  • Dog ear wipes

Dog ear wipes are specially formulated wipes designed to quickly dissolve built-up earwax. While not a substitute for proper ear cleaning with a solution, they are an excellent way to prevent infections in dogs that refuse to get their ears cleaned and a recommended purchase when looking to clean your dog’s ears for the first time.

It’s a good idea to have a soft towel ready nearby to dry your dog up once you’re done. And you can also lay out some towels on the floor if not working outside or in a bathroom to protect the floor or carpet from getting dirty. Click Here to urge a broad range of washable cleaning supplies for your dogs!


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Step-by-Step Guide for Ear Cleaning

Wondering how to clean dog’s ears? Follow the step-by-step guide below.

1. Have your dog sit

First, have your dog sit in a comfortable position. Then maneuver yourself behind it, so its rear end is between your legs. In case of a larger dog, have it sit with its rear end in a room corner and one side against the wall, standing on the other side.

2. Hold the ear

Hold one of your dog’s ears and move the ear flap or pinna up in the vertical direction, so the ear canal straightens and becomes visible. Do this gently but firmly while taking care not to hurt your dog.



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