How to Complete a 5K With Your Dog – Training Guide

Whether you and your dog are looking to sign up for your local Turkey Trot, or you are searching for a fun way to get in shape, completing a 5K with your dog is a rewarding goal. No matter your fitness level, age, or abilities, you can work toward completing a 5K with your dog in just four weeks.

Before You Get Started

First things first: before starting any new exercise routine, check with your dog’s veterinarian and your physician. Once you get the all clear, set attainable goals. Will you be walking, running, biking, or completing your 5K in another way? Do you want to complete the 3.1 miles in one go or in segments? If you want to hold yourself accountable, consider training with a friend, joining a local Fit Dog Club, or enrolling in a local or virtual 5K.

Download our free 5K training plan and fitness tracker to start. We will walk you through your goals for each week and give you a printable template to track your distance and take notes on.


  • Everyone has different abilities and health statuses. Make sure the priority is having fun and keeping healthy with your dog!
  • Track your progress on the included tracker and take notes of how you felt each day physically and mentally



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