How to Keep Dogs Cool in Summer: 10 Easy Tips

Ahhh, summertime. That lovely time of year when we can enjoy being outdoors with our favorite furry buddies, friends, and family. Your dog no doubt loves getting to spend more time in the sunshine, exploring new and old territory. And you get to enjoy peace of mind thanks to their GPS dog tracker). But the risk of heat stroke in dogs is also higher in summer. Learn how to keep dogs cool in summer – and safe from dangerous overheating – with these tips.

1) Provide unlimited access to water.

Dogs do sweat – and lose water – mainly through glands on their paw pads1. The more water they lose, the thicker their blood gets. Our furry friends can lose up to 1 liter of water from their hackles. That’s why it’s extremely important that your dog has unrestricted access to plenty of water. Moreover, a dog’s water reserve is only about ¼ of the human water reserve, so even more reason to make sure your dog has enough water to drink. Don’t forget, without enough water, they will suffer and get sick – especially when it’s warm.

A dog can manage a long time without food, but not without water.

To avoid dehydration, always bring fresh water when you go outside and offer it to your pup at least every thirty minutes.

The amount of water always depends on:

  • your dog’s activity level
  • their size and age
  • the weather

As a general rule, an average dog needs to drink between 55 to 110 mL per kg per day. Don’t forget to add a bit more when it’s really hot!

2) Never leave your dog alone in the car.

During summer, a car left outside in the sun can turn into a real oven in no time. Even at outdoor temperatures of only 24°C, your car will heat up to about 31°C in less than 10 minutes. Not to mention that after 30 minutes in the sun, the temperature in your car can easily rise up to 40°C!

That means leaving the car’s windows open and providing something to drink for your dog are by far not enough to protect your dog from a heat stroke. Never leave your dog alone in the car, since this can turn into a worst-case scenario for your four-legged friend!



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