How To Make Your Dog An Instagram Influencer?

Instagram has become a great place to share photos. In fact, it has turned a lot of people, and even pets into celebrities.

People go crazy over adorable animal pictures, and with the right hashtags, your dog can garnish millions of likes and followers, and become a fantastic influencer.

If you are interested in making your dog Instagram famous, here are some tips and tricks to make your dreams come true.

Why is Your Dog Special?

Before embarking on the Instagram journey, the first question that you should ask is, what makes your dog unique?

For example, Maddie can balance anything, Ginny can hop, and Winston is a white corgi, so how about your dog? If it’s not something physical, how about quarts or funny characteristics that can make people laugh?

Social media is a place for you to share what you love about your dog, so it’s an opportunity to showcase these attributes.

Post Consistently

Thirty identical selfies of your companion within a week is too much, but if you want to grow the right way, then stick to one or two posts per day. Test the timing window to determine the best time to put up engaging photos. The more dedicated you are in documenting your dog’s life, the more loyal followers you will obtain. Don’t forget to check out social media apps, where you can schedule your post.

Post on Other Dog Influencer Site

Don’t forget to network with other dog influencers. Message them and ask if you can post a picture on their Instagram page. This will help you attract followers from their platform and convert them into your followers. In fact, a lot of influencers often post at each other‘s pages to swap followers; that way, both parties will get twice as many likes and fans.

Take Good Photos

Taking the perfect photo takes practice. The fun part is becoming a stage mom for your Insta-pup, so you have an excuse to go on adventures and take random snapshots. Play around with the natural lighting to capture your companion’s smile, and to unleash your inner creativity.

This is the opportunity to become a photographer. Invest in a high-quality photography camera, bring your dog to phenomenal places, and capture every moment of it. It will take a couple of tries, but it’s worth it once you get that special snapshot.

Take Advantage of Amazing Apps

Instagram has an incredible filter and editing system to make photos look amazingly breathtaking, but there are also tons of apps that can capture and create awesome pictures. For example, Text2pic offers adorable fonts and designs, collage layouts, and allows you to manipulate the lighting and apply professional filters. Definitely do your research and see which app works for you.



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