How to Manage Noise Phobia in Dogs

Dogs have excellent hearing. They can hear sounds as high as 47,000 to 65,000 Hz, whereas an average human cannot hear sounds above 25,000 Hz. Everyday noises like the sound of a vacuum cleaner or power drill may seem normal for humans, but they can be distressing for dogs.

While it is common for dogs to fear some noises, the fear is excessive enough to be classified as a phobia in some pets. They express fear by whining, shivering, barking, tucking their tail between the legs, or cowering under the table. In extreme cases, the fear could also cause destructive chewing or defecating indoors.

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In some pets, noise phobia can be an inherited trait. It is common for dogs to fear loud booming noises like thundershowers, gunshots, and fireworks. Similarly, herding breeds like German shepherds and collies are sensitive to noise because they are attuned to the environment.

If your pet is displaying some of these symptoms, here’s how you can help your pooch.

Don’t Make a Fuss

You may be tempted to coddle your dog when they are upset. But your dog could think that means there’s something to worry about, and fear is normal. Instead, act as if whatever is causing the anxiety is not an issue. Pets pick up the owner’s emotions, so make sure to keep calm. If you are afraid of thunderstorms or fireworks, your pet could develop an aversion to these sounds.



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