How to prepare for a natural disaster with your pet

It is important to act quickly to keep our families safe when the unthinkable happens, such as a fire or a dangerous storm. How should you prepare for a natural disaster with your pet? You might have already thought about where you would go, what you would need to bring with you, and how to take care of your possessions. What many of us don’t account for is knowing what to do with our pets when danger approaches.  Making a careful plan can help to ensure that our pets are as protected as possible when a disaster strikes.

Across the nation, storms and other natural disasters seem to be coming more frequently and causing more damage. We hear of ‘ten-year’, ‘hundred-year’, even ‘thousand-year’ events with more regularity, and all corners of the country face an increasing likelihood that they will one day be impacted. We can take many precautions to try to ensure that our loved ones and property will be able to make it through an emergency situation, such as having an evacuation plan, maintaining an inventory of household goods in case an insurance claim needs to be filed, and shoring up our homes against possible weather damage. One element that is often neglected, however, is a carefully thought-out plan for our fur family in case of emergency. It only takes a little extra preparation to make sure they can safely come through a disaster with as little upset to their well-being as possible.

Early actions

Taking time to think out how you will evacuate with your pets and where you will go is the most important action you can accomplish when there is no threat on the horizon. Listening to early warnings will allow you a little more time to gather the supplies you need, but there might be instances when all you can do is grab your loved ones and go, so it’s important to have at least considered these logistics.

Be sure you have a pet carrier that can allow your pet to lie down comfortably. Practice ‘evacuating’ your pet from your home. Take a little time to acclimate them to their pet carrier, especially if they are used to being free in the house and car and the carrier is only used for unpleasant excursions to the vet. You can leave the carrier open in a room with a small treat or toy inside so they will see it as a place of comfort and will go more willingly inside. Remember that animals often seek out a hiding place when they feel anxious or scared, so be sure that you know where your pet might go to hide. If you have experience catching your pet and getting a frightened animal into their carrier, you will be better able to do it as danger approaches.



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