Important Milestones in Your Puppy’s Life

One of the great joys of having a dog is watching him grow up. It happens so fast. One day, he’s a tiny puppy, but before you know it, he’s a full-grown dog. If you’re not careful, you can miss some of the most important milestones in your puppy’s life, which are an essential part of the pet parent experience. Here are a few of the biggest milestones for your dog, and when to expect them.

Adoption Day

Bringing your family’s furry new addition home is the very first milestone, which generally happens around 8 weeks if you adopt as a brand new puppy. Whether you adopt as a new puppy or as a rescue at any age, your pup might be a little overwhelmed at his new surroundings. He’ll most likely spend the first day sleeping. After that, he’ll need plenty of love and attention, to make him feel welcome and let him know this is home, and that he’s safe here.

Vet Visits

Schedule your pup’s first vet visit within a few days of his adoption. He needs his first set of vaccinations at 8 weeks. The vet should also give him a general examination to ensure he’s healthy. Then schedule another vet visit for a month later (12 weeks) and another for a month after that (16 weeks), so he can get his booster shots. The vet will give you an overview of what he needs and when.



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