Earlier this year while the devastating winter storm ravaged Texas and caused massive power outages, a mixed-breed dog named Addison faced her own crisis.
Deemed “aggressive,” Addison was close to being euthanized while she and her 14 puppies huddled in an outdoor kennel, slowly but surely freezing to death.
That’s when Moms and Mutts: Colorado Rescue for Pregnant and Nursing Dogs (MAMCO) stepped in. The nonprofit transported a total of 117 puppies, dogs, and nursing moms from Texas to Colorado, including Addison and her litter. The group’s founder and executive director, Aron Jones, fostered Addison herself.
“She wasn’t ever aggressive–she was terrified,” Jones told The Dog People. “Now she’s the nicest dog you’ll ever meet in your whole life. She just needed a little bit of love. It took me a good six weeks to get her to let me touch her without wincing like I was going to hit her.”