National Pet Cancer Awareness Month- November

November is marked as National Pet Cancer Awareness Month by pet lovers. It is an excellent time to learn more about the symptoms and treatments of cancer. It is also a time to show extra affection to the pets living with this devastating disease.

According to the American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation, more than 50% of dogs older than 10 are at a high risk of having cancer. Likewise, this disease poses a threat to one in four cats. These horrifying statistics make cancer the number one disease-related cause of death in pets.

Pet Cancer Awareness Month aims to spread information regarding the causes of cancer in pets, its types, its early detection, and ways to fight it. Continue reading to be aware of the same and share this blog with other pet parents to keep all the pets around you safe.

What is Cancer?

Just like cancer in humans, cancer in pets is a condition of abnormal and uncontrolled cell growth. Mostly, cancer results in the development of masses of cells called tumors. However, there are types of cancer that do not result in tumors.

Causes of Cancer in Pets

Cancer occurs as a result of genetic damage, but it is almost impossible to know the exact cause of cancer. Studies suggest that there are various factors like the environment, chemicals, hormones, etc. that influence the development of cancer, which results in the mutation of the genes. This mutation causes uncontrolled cell division and leads to cancer.



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