Price Updates to Basepaws Cat Health Products

As we celebrate our five-year anniversary, Basepaws is as committed as ever to our amazing community of pet parents. This is truly a celebration of you, since your unwavering loyalty and support has been integral to this journey. We’ve come a long way since our early days as a startup company, so we want to take this opportunity to share some updates about our feline health product pricing as we expand our operations, team, and product offerings.

Changes Coming This Fall

On September 1st, 2022, Basepaws is updating prices for two of our core products: our Breed + Health Cat DNA Test will be $159 and our Cat Oral Health Test will be $99. These updates, the first since 2019, reflect our dedication to providing your furry family with the very best people, products, and services that support their long-term health and wellbeing.

Why we’re making these changes:



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