As a canine behaviour expert reveals that many dog’s music preferences mirror their owners
Have you ever questioned if your dog were a person, who their favourite artist would be? Would they be a ‘Hairy Styles’ fan? Or perhaps they’d like a taste of ‘Motley Chew’?
Well, with almost 1,000 people every month Googling ‘do dogs like music?’ and ‘what music do dogs like?’, it’s a reasonable thought to ponder… especially as we humans enjoy a range of music genres.
This got the experts at music licensing company PPL PRS thinking… do different breeds like particular types of music?
PPL PRS worked with dog food brand scanning thousands of playlists (and so millions of songs) that feature the UK’s most popular breeds of 2022 in the title. Dog owners are evidently making music mixes for their much-loved pet and the similarities denote what works best for each breed!
The results are in – and fascinating – to give you a feel for what your dog may like listening to!

The ‘Top of the Pups’ chart:
- Labrador Retriever (19,381*) – Rock / Pop
- French Bulldog (13,762*) – Electro Pop
- Cocker Spaniel (12,109*) – Garage Rock
- Springer Spaniel (5,349*) – Rock
- Dachshund (3,893*) – Pop
- Golden Retriever (3,232*) – Indie Pop
- German Shepherd (2,359*) – Dance Pop
- Staffordshire Bull Terrier (2,139*) – Rap / Trap
- Pug (1,635*) – Classic Rock
Staffordshire Bull Terrier owners, watch out, as you’ve got a rap sensation on your hands… with the top 100 ‘staffy’ tracks strongly leaning towards the ‘rap/trap’ genre. ‘A$AP Puppy’ is in the house.