As the world around us right now is definitely different and a little chaotic, your friends here at FurHaven want you to know that we sincerely hope you & your loyal, furry companions are staying safe and healthy. Things are definitely different – for us humans, and for our pets.

It won’t be long until our doggos will be a tad confused about what’s going on – maybe trips to the dog park are delayed, or they won’t get to see their favorite K-9 for a while. Whatever the differences, we believe it’s important to be using these isolating days not only to stay safe and healthy, but to spend quality time with roomies (at least 6-feet apart, of course) and our loving pets.

For those of you who are feeling well and healthy enough, we’ve put a list together of some fun ideas to do while social distancing, pet edition.

Go on a nice long isolated hike or walk

You don’t have to lock yourself up all day while practicing social distancing. Going outside and soaking up some sunshine is good for you! Plus, walks are probably your dog’s favorite date. Take your time, let them explore and sniff all the good smells! As long as you’re not in a crowded area, stay at least 6-feet away from others and don’t stop to meet any other dog parents, (as tempting as it may be) walks and hikes meet the guidelines for social distancing.



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