True Or False: Five Things You Thought You Knew About CBD For Dogs

Recently I had a conversation with an acquaintance about his dog. Last time I had spoken to him, he had just been forced to put one of his dogs to sleep due to a congenital neurological condition and had expressed fear that the same thing would happen to his remaining dog, her sister. “How’s your dog?” I asked, mildly concerned over the answer. He gave a small smile. “Fine.  She’s a pothead now.”

I don’t know this man well by any means. In fact, we have only ever discussed dogs. But he is an older, strait-laced sort of guy and the last person on earth to turn to a supplement that, owing to its derivation, still possesses a mystique of lawlessness, however undeserved. His dog began showing mobility problems and, not wanting to experience heartbreak a second time, he did his research and turned to CBD because it was simply the best option out there. His experience sparked my curiosity.

Here are five preconceptions I myself had about CBD as a supplement for dogs which subsequent research has proven wrong.

  • True or False: CBD will get my dog high. False. CBD for dogs is therapeutic, not psychoactive.  Like THC, CBD (also known as cannabidiol) is derived from the marijuana plant. Unlike THC, there is no “high” from CBD. Your dog will not become a “pothead”. That was merely a little joke.
  • True or False: CBD is dangerous for dogs. False. Like any other supplement, CBD must be administered with careful attention to dosage. First-time users should start slowly. A conservative recommendation is .25 mg CBD per 1 kg of body weight, 2-3 times per day. If after two weeks, you observe no negative side effects (vomiting, itchiness), you may double your dog’s dosage. Mild sleepiness is common and harmless.
  • True or False: CBD is difficult to administer. False. CBD is available in oil form which can be mixed with food or in treat form.



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