What to Give a Constipated Dog

The problem of constipation is not just limited to humans, but dogs as well. Constipation occurs when your pet has issues with their bowel movements. They might be difficult, infrequent, or even absent. If your canine companion is having difficulties defecating or is passing blood or hard stools, then this may indicate they are suffering from constipation.

A trained dog should poop at regular times daily. Constipation not only indicates digestive issues, but can also cause tremendous physical distress. There could be matted feces, grass particles, or maybe some other objects around or in the anus that lead to constipation.

With constipation, the size of the feces gets abnormally small and hard like pellets. Once the condition progresses, your canine friend may experience loss of appetite, lethargy, and vomiting.

With that in mind, it’s vital to detect constipation and to treat it right away. At Dope Dog, we provide CBD products to help improve your pet’s quality of life. Here’s everything you need to know about dog constipation.

What Causes Constipation?

What causes constipation in dogs
  • Lack of exercise
  • Obesity
  • Lack of grooming leading to matter hair around the anus
  • Abscessed or blocked anal sacs
  • Side effects of medication
  • Any illness that leads to dehydration
  • Any trauma to the pelvis
  • Ingestion of any bones, pieces of toy, stones, gravel or any other thing which is caught in the intestinal tract
  • Obstruction from a tumor located within the rectum or anus

How do you know if your dog is constipated?

How to know if your dog is constipated?

If you notice that your dog is finding it difficult to defecate, then this is a clear sign of constipation. There may be other symptoms like:

  • Crying while passing stool
  • Crouches or excessive straining
  • Not producing stool for over two days
  • Similar symptoms in the urinary tract
  • With all these symptoms, it is essential to see the veterinarian before administering treatment.

What leads to constipation in dogs?

There are many reasons that could contribute to your dog’s constipation, and sometimes there may be more than one at the same time. Below are some common reasons, but not this is not a complete list.

    • Tumors and other intestinal obstructions
    • Medications which can include constipation as a side effect
    • Fears and anxieties which hinder bowel movements



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