Most people know it’s important to wash your dog, you’ve got to keep them clean. But how often should you give your canine friend a bath?
Our goal is to answer some of the common questions like, why should you wash your dog regularly, how often you should wash your dog, and when does your dog need a bath?
We’ll even go over some tips to help make bathing your dog easier than ever before. You can try these techniques the next time you wash your dog.
Why Should You Bathe Your Dog Regularly?
One of the most common reasons why you should bathe your dog regularly is the risk of parasites. Washing your dog removes dirt, mud, and fleas that can carry parasites. Keeping your pup clean improves their health and using CBD dog supplements can also aid in this quest. But we’ll touch more on that later.
Do Dogs Feel Better after a Bath?
Many dogs do feel better after a bath. Dogs that are especially dirty can often be seen feeling much more content and refreshed after they’ve been cleaned.
This idea is related to the theory of the psychological effect of water, in which people who bathe in water, or even stand by a lake or river for a few minutes tend to feel more refreshed. They may even act happier after they get a bath, much like humans do when they come in from playing in the rain.
Ways to Know Your Dog Needs a Bath
Look for obvious (and not so obvious) clues that your dog could use a good wash. The most noticeable is likely going to be their smell. Also keep an eye on their fur, if it starts getting visibly dirty, it’s time to get the water running. Another sign can be if they’re scratching a lot or are trying to clean themselves excessively. Take into account where your dog spends most of their time, as pups that frequent the outdoors tend to require a more consistent bathing routine.
Have They Developed the “Dog Smell”?
The other way to tell if your dog needs a bath is smelling like they need one. Dogs in rainy environments that are frequently damp are quicker to develop a “wet garbage” odor than those living in drier regions. It’s important to completely dry your dog anytime they have wet fur. Keep a towel by the door on rainy days as a reminder to do so every time you return from a walk.
They Are Noticeably Dirty
One of the easiest ways to tell if your dog needs a bath is just to take a look at their coat.
If you notice that your dog has a lot of dirt and mud on them it’s important to bathe them. Dogs should be bathed about once every month or two depending on how often they go outside and how dirty they are.
They Scratch a Lot
Scratching is a common problem for dogs. It can be due to allergies, parasites, or environmental stressors. In order to help prevent them from scratching, it’s important to keep their fur and skin clean. If you notice continued scratching even after a bath, a thorough physical examination might be in order. Give your vet a call and schedule an appointment.
Does Your Dog Spend a Lot of Time Outside?
Dogs are often outside for long periods of time. In cooler and more humid regions this can lead to wet fur that doesn’t dry off, petting dirt or mud into their coat. All these elements combine to create a dog who is really dirty. That’s why it’s important to give your pup a bath about once every month or two if they’re getting outside regularly.
How Often Should You Wash Your Dog?
To decide how often you should wash your dog, we recommend considering their environment and lifestyle. If your dog lives in a wet climate and spends a lot of time outside, they may need a bath more regularly than if they live in a drier region and spend less time outside. In general, we recommend bathing your pup about once every month or two.
Can I wash my dog once a week?
It’s entirely up to you, but bathing once every month or two should be enough. It’s important to never wash your dog too often. Do not wash them more than once a week unless advised to do so by your vet, as this can lead to dry skin or fur loss.