Moving With Your Dog to a New City

Around 88% of people in the US consider pets part of a family and that means that when the family makes a move to a new city, pets also make this transition. Most dogs are content to move so long as their social group remains the same but some can struggle a little and miss their old home. Moreover, a move may mean different routines and new feeding and exercise times that your pooch may need time to get accustomed to. If you have made a move or you are about to do so, ensure you follow these tips so that your dog quickly feels content in his new abode.

Getting Your Dog Used to His New Home

If you are moving to a big home and you have plenty to unpack, it may be worth restricting your dog’s access to rooms that are neat and prepared for his comfort. You should begin by showing him where his food and water bowls are and provide him with easy access to the yard. Set up his dog bed and/or crate, and welcome him to more rooms or spaces as these become organized and livable.

Following a Routine

Your routine may change slightly if you have to work a different shift to what you did in your old city, but the quicker you establish a new routine, the more secure your dog will feel. Moreover, specific times may change (including wake-up and feeding times), but the number and length of activities such as walking and visiting the park should be as close as possible to what your dog is used to. Most dogs need at least a couple of good walks a day. If you have always taken your pooch out in the early morning and mid-afternoon, don’t worry if you now need to do so in the morning and early evening. Just make sure he was plenty of opportunities to walk, run, and jump (or partake in activities that are suitable to his age and activity levels). Don’t forget to use a Fitbark GPS tracker in case your dog should get distracted and run too far. With this light, small tracker, you should be able to find him in no time.



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