Which Plants Are Poisonous To Cats?

Who doesn’t enjoy colorful garden flowers or lovely indoor house plants? But beware, some of these beautiful plants can be poisonous to your cat and cause serious illness. Learn to recognize the most common toxic plants for cats and keep them out of your indoor and outdoor cat spaces.

Table of contents

  • Plants and your cat
  • Know everywhere your cat goes
  • Which parts of the plant are toxic to cats?
  • Which plants are toxic to cats?
    • Lilies (all varieties)
    • Oleander
    • Amaryllis
    • Daffodils
    • Azaleas & Rhododendrons
    • Sago palm
    • Jade
    • Poinsettia
    • Aloe vera
  • Other common house plants that are poisonous to cats
  • How can I avoid toxic plants?
    • Do your research
  • Can floral bouquets contain poisonous plants?
  • What should I do if my cat eats a poisonous plant?
  • What are the signs of plant poisoning in my cat?
  • Is fresh-cut flower food harmful to cats?
  • Plant safety in cat homes
  • Keeping your cat safe in the garden
  • Is it safe for cats to eat grass?
  • Your cat’s safety is number one

Plants and your cat

You would never knowingly harm your little furball. But dangerous toxins could be lurking in the foliage and flowers of your house and garden plants. Each year, the ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center receives thousands of calls when cats eat poisonous plants.

Cats are curious about their environment, and may chew on or rub against plants just to see what they are. Check your indoor and outdoor plants for little bite marks or other evidence of your cat gnawing on the leaves or blossoms. If you think your cat may have eaten part of the plant, check your kitty for symptoms such as drooling, vomiting, or diarrhea. Next, confirm the identity of the plant they have eaten. If the plant is listed as poisonous to cats, contact your veterinarian immediately.

The toxins in plants can cause a wide range of problems, from mild to severe. Your cat may simply vomit, or could experience far more serious outcomes including seizures or coma, depending on the type and amount of poisonous plant consumed.

Which parts of the plant are toxic to cats?

The toxicity of plants can vary greatly, depending on the poisonous substances within the plant. In some cases, all parts of the plant are toxic, including the leaves, stem, petals, seeds, pollen, and the bulb. In other plants, only certain parts are dangerous for your cat to consume.

Which plants are toxic to cats?



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