Why Does My Dog Have Bad Gas?

Why Does My Dog Have Bad Gas?

Has your pupper’s flatulence become more than a smelly problem lately? When humans hurry out of the room due to your four-legged friend’s gas, it may be time to consider “Why the heck does my pup fart so often?”

Farting is totally normal and is even a healthy bodily function for us humans and our furry friends. Dog tooting happens to release gases from within the digestive tract, including the rectum, colon, and stomach. Their body absorbs some of the digestive tract’s smelly leftovers, leading to a potential for distress in their stomach and digestive passageways. Passing gas is usually painless, sometimes even comical.

So yes, farting is normal, there may not even be much you can do about it. However, when it becomes excessive, continuous, and potentially dangerously stinky, this may be a sign of other issues arising. In today’s article, we’ll talk about what leads to these smelly canine farts as well as how you can help treat the stink and some insight into when you should be concerned.

Let’s toot right to it!

What are the Common Causes of Dog Farts?

There may be several reasons why your dog is farting more frequently and consistently. Here are some potential culprits.

1. Low-Quality Food

Excessive farts are usually linked to your doggo’s daily diet. Poor quality dog foods may be damaging to their intestines and may even be more difficult for fido to digest.

When enzymes don’t get fully digested in the intestines, the bacteria travel to the colon and convert the remaining carbon dioxide and hydrogen molecules into gases. Thus, stinky farts around just around the bend.

High fibrous foods or diets high in fat are usually one of the main causes of canine digestive issues. Filler ingredients in dog food, including wheat, soy, or corn, can cause a reaction or intolerance. For instance, Carrageenan is a common filler in wet or canned dog food. This is typically used to fill the product, yet doesn’t have much (if any) nutritional value.

2. Air Bubbles

One of the most common reasons your four-legged friend might be having gas? Trapped air. Your pup may swallow a lot of air during chow time. This happens especially when they scarf down their food.

Dogs can do this for a multitude of reasons. They could be competing with other dog siblings or they could simply be just a hyperactive breed. Brachycephalic breeds, those with flatter faces, are more likely to pass gas.

3. Food Poisoning

Food poisoning can be a serious issue for you and your pup. Should and if your fur child gets into the trash or eats something toxic in the yard, this may lead to a whole slew of problems, gut problems.

If something gets stuck in their intestines, it’s common that your pup may have an upset stomach.

Recalled dog food, for instance, may be a culprit to blame. If signs and symptoms of food poisoning come on, including diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, or dehydration, call your local veterinarian immediately.



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