Why Feed Your Dog Turkey-Based Dog Food

Furry brown dog on left and a live male turkey in the center with grass background

Every loving dog owner wants to feed their dog the best food. However, sometimes sorting out what makes one product better than another can be tricky. Add in the wide array of proteins, and you really have a task to complete. This turkey dog food guide will walk you through what you need to know about feeding your dog this feathered and protein-rich protein.

An In-Depth Look at Chicken and Turkey Dog Food

Chicken and turkey are both high in protein and low in fat, so it’s no wonder you find them in so many dog food products–especially those meant for weight maintenance. In addition to the protein, your dog needs a variety of vitamins and minerals, so it is also important to feed your furry friend a poultry dog food that gives them a well-balanced diet with fruits, veggies, and more to support their brain, body, and mood.

Why Feed Your Dog Turkey-Based Dog?

If you’re comparing proteins and wondering if turkey is the best choice for your dog, you may be correct. However, selecting the best turkey dog food among others can make a major difference.

Reduce Calories and Boost Flavor

Turkey tastes delicious to many dogs. It also is low in fat and high in heart-healthy protein. So, when you select a turkey dog food or turkey and chicken blend, you won’t be giving your dog as many calories with each meal. This is ideal for dog breeds that are prone to obesity, need to lose weight, or just aren’t as active as they could be.

In addition to the protein, your dog needs a variety of vitamins and minerals, so it is also important to feed your furry friend dog food that gives them a well-balanced diet.

Adjust Your Dog’s Diet as They Age

As dogs get older, their metabolisms slow down. In addition to a slower metabolism, your dog’s activity level often begins to taper off. This makes turkey’s low-calorie nature a great choice for an adult or senior dog.

An Ethical and Sustainable Protein Choice

Chicken and turkey are both readily available types of meat. This means that opting for turkey can reduce the strain on the supply chain. Both also have a lower impact than beef, pork, and salmon on the environment.

Chicken + Turkey in Your Dog’s Food Bowl

When it comes to chicken, very few dogs bock at when they discover it in their bowls. Like turkey, chicken is high in protein and low in fat. Few dogs are allergic to chicken, so if your dog has allergies, chicken can be a good option.

Both kinds of meat are lean white meat that can help support your dog’s muscular health and repair. Additionally, both are easily digestible.

However, some dogs develop chicken allergies as they age. So, combining chicken and turkey may reduce this possibility and support older dogs with a penchant for poultry.

Why Is Turkey A Good Choice for Your Dog?

Small dog staring at turkey with fixings like pumpkin and grapes.

People have different taste preferences, and so do dogs. Turkey is an option that you should consider for your furry friend if you haven’t given it to them in the past. Turkey dog food is lean, so there is less fat and fewer calories. Since few dogs have been exposed to dog food with turkey, it is a great option for dogs with food sensitivities or allergies. [1] [2]

How to Choose the Best Turkey Dog Food

Not all turkey dog foods are created equal. It’s important to select the best brand and product for your best friend. But how can you compare turkey to turkey?



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