Why Yarn Isn’t a Safe Cat Toy

Although cats like yarn and cats and yarn are still often depicted together, yarn is not a safe toy for any cat.
We’ll take a look at the dangers that come with yarn, string, cooking twine, ribbons, thread, hair ties, and even rubber bands, and how you can protect your cat, while still finding acceptable and safe toys.

Choking & Obstruction

A cat playing with yarn isn’t usually trying to eat it, but it can get stuck on their tongue, and they can’t get it out, so they inadvertently swallow it. If it’s a big enough wad, your cat could start choking, and they’ll need help immediately to get the yarn out of their mouth or throat.

Even bigger than the risk of choking, is the chances for a gastrointestinal (GI) tract obstruction. This happens when your cat swallows a foreign body that doesn’t naturally pass and it gets stuck in the GI tract. Obstructions can be life-threatening.

Yarn (along with other string-like materials) can not only get stuck in the intestines, but can also cause damage to the intestinal wall as the cat’s body tries to pass it, causing an infection.

Symptoms of an obstruction include vomiting, lethargy, loss of appetite, retching (vomiting but nothing coming up), diarrhea, abdominal pain or swelling, and dehydration. If you even suspect your cat might have consumed a foreign body, reach out to your vet immediately.

Upon examination, your vet will first check the tongue, because the yarn or string often gets wrapped around the back of the tongue. Your vet can’t remove all of the ingested yarn this way, but they can confirm that the material was swallowed, and will probably cut and remove the piece wrapped around the cat’s tongue.

Sometimes a vet will order an X-ray, but if they already know a foreign object was consumed, they may order an ultrasound so they find the exact spot where it’s located.

The vet may suggest a “wait and see” approach if they think the foreign body will pass on its own, or suggest immediate surgery to remove it.

The bottom line is, playing with yarn it’s not worth the risk, expense, and stress of an obstruction.



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