Feline Acne

You may have noticed your cat’s face look a little dirty around the mouth or chin area. You may have even noticed some bumps there which can be several issues, but feline acne is a common one. Feline acne occurs from the overproduction of keratin, a type of protein that makes up skin. Keratin gets trapped in a hair follicle and blackheads (aka comedones) form. If bacteria infect the blackhead, a pimple also known as a pustule will form. 

It’s poorly understood why feline acne occurs, but it’s thought to be related to a disease of excess sebum (oil produced by the skin) production. Other possible causes of feline acne could include poor grooming, immunosuppression, allergies, or stress. There could also be a link between feline acne and cats who use plastic food and water bowls.  

Owners usually notice a cat’s chin or area around the mouth appearing “dirty”. Other signs of feline acne are blackheads, pimples, and redness/inflammation of the skin. If the feline acne is occurring over periods of time, there can be swelling or thickening of the skin and discomfort when touching the area. 



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