CBD for Pets After Surgery

CBD for dogs after surgery post surgical benefits of cbd oil for dogs post surgery pain inflammation anxiety operation

At some point in your pet’s life, they are going to need surgery. Whether it’s a simple lump removal or a complicated dental surgery, your pet will experience the same pain and healing time as you would. You may have wondered “Can I give my dog CBD after surgery?” Indeed the benefits of CBD for pets after surgery are numerous. Full Spectrum Hemp Extract CBD Oil can be a critical tool in helping your pet recover faster and stronger postoperatively.

Post Surgical Benefits of CBD for Pets

CBD for Post Surgery Pain & Inflammation

A pet’s response to surgery is supposed to be protective and promote healing. There are several events that occur immediately following surgery that affect every system of the body. The metabolism, immune system, hematological (blood), and hormonal systems are all affected by surgery. There are processes that are both pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory following surgical procedures. If these processes are not kept in balance, an excess of cytokines (small proteins involved in signaling cell response) can occur, called a “cytokine storm”. This can result in systemic inflammation and can result in infection and organ dysfunction.

Post-operative pain and inflammation are the most common and critical post-surgical issues in pets. Thus, regulating the inflammatory response is absolutely paramount post-operatively. One of the most well-known benefits of a Full Spectrum Hemp Extract (FSHE) is its ability to relieve inflammation and pain. FSHE CBD oil for dog pain and inflammation after surgery, (or cat pain and inflammation), is the perfect tool for the job since its benefits are systemic. Every organ system is benefitted from its presence. In addition, FSHE is a proven anti-microbial and antifungal, reducing chances of post-operative infection as well.

CBD For Anxiety & Restful Sleep After Surgery

The stress felt by your pet after surgery is a silent one. Since pets cannot speak to us, the amount of post-operative stress they are experiencing is largely left unnoticed. If serious enough, pets may vocalize, have excessive separation anxiety, or lick themselves (or worse-their incision) to injury. Without proper intervention, this stress can lead to excessive inflammation and more pain for our pets after surgery. In severe cases, this pain can lead to aggression. Full Spectrum Hemp Extract is a well-studied anxiolytic (anxiety reducer). Using FSHE CBD for dogs post surgery anxiety and restfulness is a wonderful way to ensure your pet begins the healing process under as little stress as possible.



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