Can Dogs Eat Peas, or Are They Dangerous?

Have you ever looked at the ingredients list on your dog’s food packaging? In dry kibble, canned dog food, and fresh food recipes, you’ll probably see several human foods included. And peas are likely to be one of them.

Can dogs eat peas? Yes. They’re a relatively common ingredient used in commercial dog food, along with vegetables like carrots and potatoes. And dogs can eat fresh peas, too. Peas provide dogs with many of the same nutrients and health benefits that it gives us. Remember: Our canine friends are omnivores, able to derive nutrition from both plant and animal sources.

With that being said, there are some precautions to take when feeding your dog peas. Peas might be small, but they do present a few risks. Keep reading to learn more about the health benefits of peas for dogs, what risks are involved, and how to feed your dog peas in safe way.

Health Benefits of Peas for Dogs

Can dogs eat peas: brown dog licking its snout

Most of the same kinds of peas that humans consume — green peas, snow peas, English peas (sometimes called garden peas), sugar snap peas, etc. — are healthy for dogs and offer nutritional value.

Some of the types of nutrients peas offer our dogs are:


Peas are a good source of vitamins for dogs, such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and the B vitamins. Vitamins like these, of course, are important for a wide variety of bodily functions, from skin and coat health to energy production, strong bones and teeth, and digestive function, just to name a few.


Can dogs eat peas as a good source of minerals? Absolutely. Peas contain various minerals that are essential to your dog’s health, including:

  • Magnesium:Magnesium helps provide your dog with energy and is also necessary for normal nerve and muscle function.
  • Manganese: This nutrient is also important for energy production, and it metabolizes protein and carbohydrates and plays a role in healthy bones and joints.
  • Iron: Iron helps your dog’s red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body.
  • Zinc: Zinc is essential for a range of bodily functions including immune system health, thyroid function, and skin, eye, and brain health.
  • Potassium: This electrolyte aids in the functioning of electrical charges in the muscles, nerves, and heart. It also moves water in and out of your dog’s cells, aiding in proper hydration.

Protein and Fiber

Peas are a low-calorie food that contain a fair amount of protein, which helps your dog’s body build and repair muscles and is also important for energy production. Peas, like other legumes, also contain a high amount of fiber. Fiber is important for regulating your dog’s digestive health and also helps your pooch to feel full when they’ve eaten a meal.



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