Best Hunting Dog Breeds

Best Hunting Dog Breed

The Best Types of Hunting Dogs and Equipment They Need

It’s no secret that Americans love spending time in the great outdoors. In fact, 40% of Americans over the age of 16 participated in wildlife-related activities in 2016.

Whether you love hunting, fishing, or wildlife-watching, time out in the wilderness is always better with a dog at your side.

If you’re a hunter, though, you’re looking for more than just a companion. Many dog breeds have been bred specifically for hunting, making them both great side-kicks but also essential tools in the hunt. In fact, the relationship between dogs and humans for hunting and other purposes stretches back tens of thousands of years.

Are you wondering about different breeds of hunting dogs and the equipment you need for them? Let’s take a look at what you need to know.

Labrador Retriever

If you are looking for the best hunting dogs for duck-hunting, you’ll want to look into the Labrador Retriever. They are widely considered to be one of the best hunting dog breeds for this purpose.

Labrador Retrievers are incredibly friendly, loyal, enthusiastic, and are able to withstand cold temperatures. Their specialty is water retrieving, and they typically weigh between 55 and 75 pounds. Many hunters love this bird dog breed because they make terrific family pets on top of being effective hunting dogs.


These pointing gun dogs are probably the most iconic bird dog breed in the entire world. Able to keep up with you all day as well as being a loyal companion, this is one of the best hunting dogs for quail and other birds. You’ll probably get tired out before they do!

With a thin coat that helps them stay cool when it’s hot and humid as well as incredible endurance, quail hunters in the south love this dog.

Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers are so popular as family pets that you might not think of them as one of the types of hunting dogs. However, these determined and fierce animals have high stamina, a happy disposition, and a lot of intelligence.

This is a very friendly hunting dog breed that can help you track down game, particularly birds or ducks. A fun family pet that is easy to train, Golden Retrievers make wonderful companions on a hunting trip and the family vacation.


These lanky, energetic dogs were originally bred to take down large game. This includes predators like wolves! It’s no surprise that these dogs therefore require a lot of exercise and discipline.

While these dogs are stubborn, they are also intelligent and athletic. Since these dogs bond well with both children and adults, they are a popular hunting dog breed and family pet.

People typically use Weimaraners to hunt upland birds like pheasant and other small game.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever

The Chesapeake Bay Retriever was bred entirely in the United States, which is pretty cool. On top of that, though, they’re super athletic and perfect for hunting in wet regions. These tireless animals will stop at nothing to perform at the task you ask them to.

With waterproof coats, these retrievers are wonderfully suited for hunting waterfowl.


Cute, playful, and curious, beagles are great for hunting rabbits, foxes, birds, and even small deer. With the right instruction, beagles can also be fairly easy to train.

English Setter

English Setters are obedient, intelligent, and fierce. Wonderful dogs for hunting birds, the biggest drawback is that their long coat is prone to getting tangled and dirty. If you’re looking for an athletic animal that you don’t mind grooming frequently, you might look into English Setters.



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