Can dogs eat hemp seeds?

Paying proper attention to your four-legged companion’s diet is the primary responsibility of every dog owner. At times, you might be unsure about which ingredients are safe and which are not. The best way to go forward is to do some valuable research.

One question which dog owners might wonder is, can dogs eat hemp seeds?

Today, we will share some valuable insights into answering the question about the effects of hemp seeds on dogs. Once you go through this guide, you can decide whether you should include it in Fido’s diet or not.

Yes, dogs can eat hemp seeds; it provides a variety of benefits to your canine companion; that is why; you should include them in their diet.

When you look at the composition of hemp seeds, you will realize that they consist of Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids. The advantage of hemp seeds is that the ratio of these two fatty acids is in perfect proportion, which means that you will not be including excessive fatty acids in your dog’s diet. With the proper balance of these fatty acids, you can improve your dog’s health and provide various other benefits to their lives.

We will go in detail regarding the benefits of hemp seeds for your dog. It will help you understand why it is necessary to include it in their diet.

1. Improvement in skin quality:

The Omega fatty acids are directly responsible for moisturizing the skin and reducing itchiness. When you look at the ratio of omega-6 fatty acids to omega-3 fatty acids in hemp seeds, it is 3:1, which is perfect for lowering skin diseases to promote a shinier coat.

In addition to that, hemp seeds can reduce the shedding process. Most pet owners are tired of cleaning up pet hair all over the couch and floor. When you include hemp seeds in the diet, it will decrease the shedding, therefore, reduce the amount of hair around your home. With that in mind, Fido’s coat will become aesthetically appealing and healthy.

Another benefit for your dog is to reduce the occurrence of allergies. When you look at the skin benefits alone, you will realize that hemp seeds are a must-have for your dog.

2. Decreases inflammation:

As the dog grows older, joint swelling and pain are a common health issue. Most pet owners rely on painkillers or prescription medication from the veterinarians, but a natural solution is to include hemp seeds in their diet. Hemp seeds, as we stated above, consists of omega-6 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties to reduce joint pain.

Keep in mind that there is a delicate balance to maintain because linoleic acid is found in Omega-6; an excessive quantity of this can trigger the inflammatory process. However, hemp seeds have the perfect amount to reduce joint inflammation.

It keeps arthritis away, which is another benefit of including them in Fido’s diet.

3. Improves heart health:

Obesity can lead to the build-up of fats and cholesterol in the heart leading to cardiovascular issues. Fortunately, hemp seeds can play a role in keeping your companion’s heart strong and healthy.

You might be thinking, how can hemp seeds improve the cardiac health of your dog?

The answer is that they can do so in multiple ways. We will go through it in detail:

  • Hemp seeds contain a high amount of Amino acids and arginine. These components produce nitric oxide in the body, which functions to dilate and relax the blood vessels to improve blood circulation. When the blood vessels are relaxed, the blood pressure tends to be lower, therefore increasing blood flow to the heart and other organs.
  • Hemp seeds promote better organ function in the body to decrease the chance of organ failure. When the organs function smoothly, it keeps the cardiac pressure low.

As you can see, hemp seeds can improve the cardiac health of your dog in more ways than one.

4. Increases immunization power:

Hemp seeds consist of multiple nutrients like:

It is an antioxidant powerhouse that provides all these nutrients to enhance the immune system. In addition to that, hemp seeds contain a lot of fiber to promote a healthy digestive system.



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