5 Essential Dog Car Safety Tips

If you’re like most dog lovers, you enjoy taking your best friend with you everywhere – whether that’s on a cross-country road trip or a trip to the dog park. No matter where you drive with your pet, you need to be familiar with dog car safety.

Today, we’ll share five essential car safety considerations that will make traveling with your furry friend safe and stress-free:

  1. Take regular breaks
  2. Watch for signs of car anxiety
  3. Start car training
  4. Review vehicle restraint requirements
  5. Vehicle comforts to aid with pet travel


Because we frequently need to travel with our pets, we should be aware of their basic needs to prepare them for the journey that lies ahead.

Dogs, especially large or active ones, shouldn’t be in the car for longer than 4 hours without a break.

During a road trip with your pet, give your dog plenty of opportunities to drink water, go potty and stretch its legs to reset from the drive. Dogs can get very anxious during car rides but making time for stops allows them to take a breather.

If your dog is not prepared to ride 4 or more hours without stopping, then try to take a break every hour to help them get used to sitting in the car for long periods.


Car rides can be very stressful for dogs. It’s important to notice the changes in your dog’s behavior when riding in the car with you. Being aware will help you gauge whether they are experiencing anxiety and how to address it.

Symptoms of car anxiety:

  1. Resisting getting into the car
  2. Trembling
  3. Excessive whining or barking
  4. Frequent or excessive licking or chewing
  5. Vomiting
  6. Urinating or pooping in the car



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