5 Tips on How Much Wet Food to Feed a Dog?

How much wet food to feed a dog hungry dog

When it comes to feeding your dog, there’s a fine balance between overfeeding, underfeeding, and reaching the perfect balance. If you feed your dog too much, they will wind up gaining weight. However, underfeeding your dog also has detrimental effects over time. If you’ve been wondering, “How much wet food should I feed my dog?” We have the answers you’re looking for.

How Much Wet Food to Feed a Dog Per Day?

Weigh Your Dog

One of the first things you need to know when determining how much wet food to feed your dog is how much your dog weighs. You don’t have to go to the vet to figure out how much your doggo weighs. All you have to do is:

  1. Weigh yourself on a bathroom scale. Note your weight
  2. Then, get down and pick up your dog (if it’s safe to do so).
  3. Step back onto the scale.
  4. Subtract your weight from the total weight shown on the scale.

For bigger dogs, put two bathroom scales together and instruct your dog to “sit” on the scales.

Calculate the correct portion size for your dog

Your dog’s food will have feeding instructions. However, these can be a bit vague, as most manufacturers will make suggestions based on a weight scale. For example, they may recommend feeding 150 grams for a dog that weighs 15 to 20 kilograms.

However, if your dog weighs at the top end of the scale, 20 kilograms, you may want to feed them a smidge more if they’re more active and have a low body condition score.

If you feed your dog twice per day, you will want to divide their portion in half.

Determine If You Want to Feed Your Dog a Mix of Wet and Dry Food

If you feed your dog a mix of wet and dry food, you will need to calculate how much wet versus how much dry food to feed your doggo. This is a bit more tricky than just feeding straight wet food, but the benefits of mixing the two often make the math worth it.

Here’s how to do it:



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