5 Tips to Help Calm Your Dog during Fireworks

With the 4th of July just days away, we thought of how many of our pets react to the sights and sounds of celebratory fireworks. While some just seem to get a little anxious, for others this is downright terrifying and can cause them to flee from home. Often it has more to do with their makeup than their background. Some breeds are more sensitive to noise and will naturally be pre-dispositioned to have a hard time when dealing with the sounds of fireworks. To help you and your best friend we have assembled a list of the top five tips and great products to pull them off help to make them more relaxed during fireworks season.

Tip One: This first tip is a good idea to incorporate into any calming routine that you opt for. Try calming them from within with an all-natural and vegan wellness oil. Max Bone’s MB 150mg Wellness Calming CBD Oil helps to calm the anxiety and also helps their heart. CBD oil is also known to reduce events of seizures and relieve pain and inflammation.

Tip Two: Give them something tasty to get their mind off of what’s going on in the sky. Made with non-GMO and all-natural ingredients, our CBD Apple Smacks Treat is a great tool to have in your bag anytime and anywhere. Calm their fears and reduce any pain that happens to be affecting them.



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