Dog Travel Checklist: What to pack

Michigan to Dallas – Traveling Essentials.

max-bone Ambassador Archer is a 4 years old Yorkshire terrier, he and his family drove from Ann Arbor, MI to Dallas, TX to quarantine for a bit. Here are Archers’ and parents’ essentials.

1. Emil Harness: This lightweight and comfortable harness is one of Archers’ favorite pieces. Parents will also love it because it’s super easy to put on. Your dog just has to step in. Bonus: it’s modern and fashionable!

2. Cleansing Wipes: After each stop we make, Archer likes to use the Aloe & Oatmeal Cleansing Wipes. Not only do they keep him clean from head to toe, but they smell amazing! Tip: while on a road trip, it is important to factor in stops every two to three hours for restroom breaks and stretching everyone’s legs. We try to stop at rest stops because those typically have designated dog areas.

3. Travel Bowl: Hydration is key during these hot summer days! That’s why you’ll never see Archer leave home without his travel water bowl. It easily hooks on to his leash for convenience. It’s also collapsible. To keep your dog hydrated, just pop it open and fill.

4. Treats: What road trip is complete without snacks? Bringing an assortment is best since you never know what you’ll crave on the road. Archer’s go-to treats are the Coconut Honey and Peanut Butter Jelly versions from Max-Bone. These nutritious treats also taste amazing. It’s a win-win!



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