7 Best Movies to Watch with Your Dog

7 Best Movies to Watch with Your Dog

When it comes to cuddling time on the couch, there is no better companion to partner up with than your dog pal. Movies for dogs to watch are the perfect bait to lure them onto the couch and stay put while the popcorn warms up in the micro. Grab your Woof Blanket customized blankie of your pet, and sweeten the pot with treats while we enlighten you on the best movies for dogs that have been entertaining our fur kids every third Saturday night of the week. Here is our list of the most enthralling movies for dogs to watch, ones that contain many stimulating images of pooches and will keep you glued to the screen and cuddled with your loyal partner.

1. Beethoven

A classic film series starring a St. Bernard doggo that causes havoc wherever he goes but is loved by his family. The reason why we chose this movie as one of our top 7 is that you get to see so much of the dog, there is chaos but there is also love affection, and several other movies to watch if your doggo is a fan!

2. Hotel for Dogs

This is simply a must-watch with your good girl or your best guy, this may be one of the best movies for dogs yet! Hotel for Dogs is all about two naughty siblings that begin to take in stray dogs to this abandoned hotel, eventually turning it into a sanctuary for chaotic dogs. The film is a family/comedy, so if you have kiddos, you’ll love watching this one with your entire family and your fur child.

3. A Dogs Purpose

An emotional tear-jerker, A Dog’s Purpose might just be one of the best movies for dogs to watch as one puppy goes through four very different lifetimes. Throughout his journey, he begins to understand that there is a purpose for him and the discovery is emotionally beautiful.

4. 101 Dalmatians

Despite 101 being an old classic, it’s still a laugh and a cry and features literally hundreds of puppies and dogs. The barking ought to get your fur kid riled up and the emotional parts will have you clinging to your best friend.



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