A Messy Dog Called Scooby Shares His Dog Bed Story

We received this wonderful letter from one of our customers and thought we should share it with you. Scooby explains why he loves his new waterproof dog bed from Dogs Dogs Dogs and how much it means to him and his “Human”.

My two-legged friend likes to take good care of me. He gives me tasty food, he takes me on walks, he even picks up my poop! It’s like I am royalty.

Muddy Dog

We go on special trips to the beach and the lake all the time, and I just love to play in the water or mud or sand. But then my human has to clean me for being a big ball of mess and I have to sit outside. This makes me very sad. I would bark and whimper outside, I was not ready to stop playing yet!

My human didn’t like to see my sad little face so he searched on this thing called the internet to make me smile again. One day, there was a big knock at the door and one of those guys with a white van and a cardboard box appeared with a present for that looked like it was for me!

What was this present? I had a sniff and a whiff but I didn’t know. My human opened the box and showed me, it was a huge dog bed just for me. Not only did it look comfy, it had special properties that I didn;t know would change my life! I was so happy that my tail was wagging like crazy, I could probably have lifted off into the air like a helicopter.

My human sat me down and told me about this new dog bed. He told me:



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