Christmas is Coming!

There is no doubt that after the year that we have all had, and the new challenges that seem set to lie ahead, the thought of the holiday season is even more exciting than usual. Despite all the talk of shortages, rising costs and another impending wave of covid, everyone I talk to just can’t wait for a very well-deserved break to spend with family and loved ones to eat, drink and be merry.

For many dogs however – especially the lockdown puppies – this will be their first Christmas, and for them and many others, the holiday season can bring far more stress and anxiety than it does festive cheer.

It is no coincidence that this is the time of the year when the majority of dog bites in the home occur – with children the most frequent victims – but with a bit of preparation and understanding, you can make sure everyone has a happy Christmas – and that includes your canine family members as well as the human ones.

Christmas from your dog’s point of view

First of all, the children are home from school – and, in many cases, are wildly excited. They might well have their friends visiting that your dog doesn’t know, and as it is getting colder and the nights are darker earlier, they are likely to be spending much more time in the house and more time around the dog.

And of course, the temptation for them to put a Christmas hat or antlers on the dog can be overwhelming – especially for that Instagramable selfie (which tends to bring faces close to teeth…!).

Talking about the house, your dog’s usually predictable environment has become a scene of upheaval. There are decorations everywhere, lights and tinsel cover everything, and to cap it all, there is a tree in the living room! Suddenly there are lots of new things that the dog has never experienced that they aren’t allowed to sniff, play with, chew or wee on!



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