Dog Got Stung By a Bee: What to Do

Has your dog been stung by a bee? Is your dog babying a leg or an area of its body? If so, you’ll want to identify the insect that bit or stung your dog and then treat the sting with proper care. We’ll explain what you need to know about dealing with a bee sting on your dog.

What Happens if a Dog Gets Stung by a Bee?

Depending on where your dog is stung, you’ll want to look for the stinger because it may still be in the skin. The dog’s coat will swell, itch, burn and feel painful until you remove the stinger. Once you remove the bee stinger, it may be a few hours until your dog feels normal again.

The most common areas for your dog to be stung are:

  • On the pads of their feet
  • Around their face
  • In their mouth

This is because dogs may not see a bee on the ground, or they may try to catch a bee with their mouth. Either way, bee stings are common for dogs.

If your dog tends to chase or snap at bees, you may want to prevent them from harassing the bees. You can do this by putting them on leash when outside or restricting where they can play if the area has a lot of bees.

While the venom can be toxic, most dogs will be fine healing on their own if they don’t have an allergic reaction.

Signs Your Dog May Have a Bee Sting

If your dog has had a run-in with a bee and has possibly been stung, you will notice these signs and symptoms of a bee sting:

  • Babying an area of the body
  • Whining
  • Biting or chewing where the sting occurred
  • Drooling
  • Pawing
  • Swelling
  • Hives (swollen, itchy skin)

If your dog shows one or multiple signs, you may need to call your vet to ensure your dog will be okay.

When a Bee Sting is More Dangerous to Your Dog

You’ll want to contact your vet immediately if your dog:

  • Gets multiple stings.
  • Has a severe allergic reaction to the bee sting.
  • Gets stung inside your dog’s mouth.

Unfortunately, a bee sting can be fatal for some dogs, so it is critical to observe your dog until your vet assesses it.

What to Do When Your Dog Gets Stung By a Bee

If you saw your dog get stung, or if your dog shows signs that they have a bee sting, you’ll need to:

  • Stay calm. You don’t have to run to the vet yet.
  • Look for a stinger and the insect that stung your dog.
  • Use a credit card or business card to scrape out the stinger. Be careful to get all of the stingers out of the skin. This also may prove difficult because your dog will not want you to touch the swollen area of their skin.
  • Once you’ve removed the bee stinger, keep the area of skin cold by using an ice pack.
  • Give your dog lots of water to stay hydrated.
  • Watch your dog for an allergic reaction.

If your dog cannot stop scratching the area where they were stung, you may want to put a cone on them to discourage biting and scratching.



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