Fish Oil for Dogs: What is Fish Oil, Benefits, and Safety

Fish oil is a popular supplement, and humans have been implementing it into their diets for some time now. There are several different types of fish oil, and they come in many forms. It’s affordable and sits right next to the vitamins in the grocery store.

In recent years, fish oil has also been considered beneficial for dogs. Is there any proof of this? How does fish oil help our dogs, if at all? Your dog’s body and your body have a lot in common. If you’re enjoying the benefits of fish oil, here’s what you need to know about providing the same benefits to your dog.

What is Fish Oil? 

Fish oil comes from the tissues of fish. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which humans and most animals (including dogs) can’t produce enough of themselves. These omega-3 fatty acids (including eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA) can support healthy immune function, among many other benefits.

People and pets need these omega-3 fatty acids to stay healthy. They’re an essential part of our daily diets. Substantial omega-3 fatty acids can be difficult to achieve through a diet if your dog doesn’t eat pet foods with cold-water fish daily. That’s why fish oil supplements can be invaluable. They solve a crucial dietary need in the simplest way possible.

Fish oil isn’t always salmon oil and can come from many sources, including:

  • Sardines
  • Anchovies
  • Mackerel
  • Flaxseed (a non-fish omega 3 source)

What Are the Benefits and Applications of Fish Oil?

Supplements often promise a lot of benefits, but few really deliver. Fish oil is an exception as it isn’t an herbal remedy or an adaptogen. It’s a supplement that provides nutrients vital for human and dog health. If you or your dog don’t consume enough omega-3 fatty acids, this can lead to omega-3 deficiency. You need these fatty acids, and fish oil is a quick and efficient way to get them.

Some of the claimed health benefits of adding fish oil to your dog’s diet are:



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