Four Humans Foods Which Are Toxic To Dogs

Can a little treat from the table or trip to the pantry really hurt your pup? Many human foods will not hurt our dogs, but there are a few which may be delicious to us humans, but toxic to them. Here, I have described four foods that are toxic to dogs, as well as why they are toxic, the dose which is potentially harmful, symptoms of poisoning, and treatment.

1. Chocolate 

Why is It Toxic? – Chocolate has the compounds theobromine and caffeine, among other things. While rarely fatal, the chemical theobromine, as well as caffeine can produce significant illness upon ingestion in dogs. Dogs do not metabolize these compounds effectively, as theobromine and caffeine speed up their heart and stimulate the nervous system.

What Is A Risky Dose? – The risk of toxicity is dependent on the concentration of theobromine in the chocolate. Chocolates with the most theobromine content include:

  1. Cacao Powder
  2. Unsweetened Baker’s Chocolate
  3. Semi-Sweet Chocolate
  4. Dark Chocolate
  5. Milk Chocolate

A very concerning dose is approximately one ounce of milk chocolate per pound of body weight. So, eating a larger dog eating a crumb, would be okay, although chocolate should never be fed as a treat. A smaller dog, eating a 1.55 ounce Hershey’s chocolate bar, however, may have health consequences.

What Are The Signs/Symptoms of Poisoning? – The signs of chocolate poisoning appear within 6 to 12 hours after ingestion and can last up to 72 hours. The signs include vomiting, diarrhea, restlessness, increased urination, tremors, elevated or abnormal heart rate, and seizures.

Treatment – If your dog ate chocolate, call your veterinarian, where they can monitor symptoms and determine if any supplemental treatment such as an IV is necessary.

2. Grapes and Raisins 

Why Is It Toxic? – Canine parents are commonly advised to keep their dogs away from grapes, and their dried form: raisins. This is good advice, as grape toxicity in dogs can cause serious kidney damage and lead to acute kidney failure, which can be fatal. Currently, the specific toxic agent has not been clearly identified, although there is speculation about potential compounds which could be responsible for canine intolerance.

What Is A Risky Dose? – A dangerous dose is just 6 grapes in a 45-lb dog, and all kinds of grapes/raisins are potentially dangerous.

What Are The Signs/Symptoms of Poisoning? – The most common early symptom is vomiting, which generally is present within 24 hours of ingestion. Lack of appetite, lethargy, and possibly diarrhea can be also seen within the next 12-24 hours. More severe signs are unfortunately unseen until acute kidney damage has already begun.

Treatment – Take your dog to the vet if you suspect they have ingested grapes or raisins. The veterinarian will try to block absorption of the toxins and prevent or minimize damage to the kidneys.



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