MCT Oil for Dogs: CocoTherapy

Cocotherapy MCT Oil and Dog - Featured Image

You’ll notice in our own tinctures, as well as many others, that MCT oil is one of the main ingredients, in addition to the CBD. Why would MCT oil be incorporated into the product? What are the benefits of MCT oil for dogs? Coconut oil is made of saturated fat, so it seems like we would want to steer clear. However, while saturated fats are generally considered bad fats, not all saturated fats are the same. While most saturated fats are comprised of long chain fatty acids, MCTs differ in their carbon length. 

What is MCT Oil?

MCT, or medium-chain-triglycerides, contain medium-length fat chains. Due to their short length, they are easily digestible and assist with the absorption of nutrients. They also contain beneficial acids known as lauric, capric, caprylic, myristic, and palmitic acids.

MCT oil is commonly extracted from coconut oil; 63% of the fat in coconut oil contains MCTs. It can also be found in palm oil and various dairy products.


MCT oil protects CBD from being completely broken down by the digestive system before reaching the bloodstream. CBD is fat-soluble and is known to be most effective when it’s taken with saturated fats. MCT acts as the vehicle to transport CBD where it needs to go to help the body.

Once CBD reaches the liver, it’s broken down into very small components that are not used effectively in the body. MCT carries most of the CBD into the bloodstream so it’s not damaged by metabolic processes.

The goal of a high-quality CBD tincture is to have high bioavailability. MCT increases CBD’s bioavailability. Bioavailability refers to the efficiency with which a therapeutic compound is absorbed into the bloodstream. This is important because it affects how much to give in one dose, and how quickly your pet can feel the effects.

Benefits of MCT Oil for Dogs

MCT isn’t only beneficial as a carrier for CBD. MCT carries a wide range of benefits to your pet. Compared to other fats, MCTs are absorbed faster and are more likely to be utilized as a source of energy, rather than stored as fat. The rapid use of MCT by the body makes it an excellent source of energy for the brain. In fact, MCTs have been shown to be effective in enhancing cognitive function in both senior dogs and humans.

According to research published in the British Journal of Nutrition, “the cognitive assessment data showed that the performance of the MCT-supplemented group was superior to that of control group in the land-1 and land-2 tasks, and the egocentric learning and reversal task and on the variable object components of the attention protocol.” The study went on to state “the present study shows that supplementation of MCT in aging dogs can significantly increase blood ketone body concentrations under fed conditions and improve age-related decline in cognitive function by providing an alternative source of brain energy in old healthy dogs. The MCT-containing diet had no adverse effects on CBC and blood chemistry.”



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