How to train your Dog to Sit

Let’s get started!

Training your dog is a part of teaching the disciple. It makes life easy for the pet and pet owner as well. The first and the foremost thing you can teach your dog is to sit, it’s too much fun and creates the bond you always crave for.

But, before you start to train we recommend you to practice these things at your end so as to always be in full energy while training, without getting frustrated.

  1. Be regular while training.
  2. Never push your dog too extreme.
  3. Never punish your dog in case of any mistake.
  4. Give trainings indoor to make your dog comfortable.
  5. Keep the training sessions short and simple. But, frequent.
  6. Bring up the creative and fun training ideas to involve your dog.
  7. Always reward your pet something he likes as he performs obediently.
  8. Don’t just act as trainer to your pet, be a trainee companion to your dog.
  9. Remember, your dog is not being a problem; your dog is having a problem.

"Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen."

Let’s learn more How to train your Dragon (Dog) to sit

There are two methods you can focus on while teaching – Capturing Method and Luring Method

1. Capturing

  • In this method, you have to stand in front of your puppy holding his favorites treats.
  • Observe his movements and let him sit.
  • As he sit’s to eat the food encourage him with a “YES
  • Once done, move to a different position and let him stand up.
  • Repeat the same for a lot more time until you introduce the work “SIT” to him.



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