Is Human CBD Oil Safe For Dogs? A Total Explanation

If you are considering giving CBD oil to your dog, a thought that has crossed your mind might be: “Can I give Human CBD Oil To My Dog?”


1. Can I Give My Dog Human CBD Oil?
2. CBD Oil Specifically For Dogs
3. How Can I Give My Dog Human CBD Oil?
4. Human CBD Oil Dosing For Dogs:
5. CBD Oil for Specific Pets Makes It Much Easier To Correctly Dose
6. How Do I Know If My Dog Will Benefit From CBD?
7. How Do I Give CBD Oil For Dogs To My Dog?
8. Do I Have To Have A Vet’s Approval For CBD?
9. Where Do I Buy CBD Oil For Dogs?
10. Final Thoughts on Giving Human CBD Oil To Dogs

This is likely because you have your own CBD oil made for human consumption and you wonder if you and your dog can use the same one.

YES, human CBD oil is technically safe for dogs. However, it is highly recommended to give your dog a pet-specific version of CBD oil.

Why is it recommended to give your dog pet-specific formulations? That will be explained, in-depth, in the article below

Can I Give My Dog Human CBD Oil

Technically, yes, you can give your dog human CBD oil. You can give your dog human CBD oil because the endocannabinoid system that humans have is a system that dogs also have. That means it works in the same biological way in dogs that it does in people.

Most mammals also have the same endocannabinoid system. That is why you can technically give your dog CBD oil that is made for human use.

Many pet owners have tried human CBD oil in their pets to see how they react. However, many pet parents then begin buying CBD that is specially formulated for dogs or animals.

CBD Oil Specifically For Dogs

There are CBD oils made for dogs and pets like cats and horses specifically. It helps dogs in much the same way that it helps human beings. It can assist in lowering pain, inflammation, nausea, vomiting, and anxiety. There are even more health ailments that it can help, too. Studies have shown this to be the case, and that is why there are dogs being given CBD oil and why companies are formulating them specifically for animals to consume.

How Can I Give My Dog Human CBD Oil?

If you are going to give your dog human CBD oil, it is imperative that you follow dosing instructions as best you can.

Human CBD Oil Dosing For Dogs:

Because CBD is a natural and non-toxic product,
it does not typically hurt a dog to give them too much at once.

So, it likely won’t hurt your dog if you give them too much. However, some dogs become lethargic and tired if given too much CBD. Thankfully, that is not life-threatening or permanently damaging to their health. It can be annoying to the dog, though. Rarely, giving a pet too much CBD can cause them to have diarrhea. It doesn’t often happen, though. The good news is that it is temporary. However, avoiding giving them too much is the best course of action.

Can I Give Human CBD to My Dog?

Start Low, Go Slow

Firstly, it is essential to start giving your dog small amounts and slowly increase their dosage over the course of a few weeks. This is to see how well they do with what they are being given. After all, pets are just like people, and they all have individual reactions to different things.

So, if you are going to give your dog human CBD oil, it is best to provide them with a dosage that is based on their body weight.

Here is an example of 3 different strengths of dosage to give your dog:



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