Laying Low with Stefan Siegel

Laying Low is a celebration of dogs and the ones that welcome them in. From beachside bungalows to architectural masterpieces, we are reminded that the simple presence of a dog can make a house a home.

Tell us a little about yourself – who you are, what you do and what you love?
I’m Stefan Siegel, born in an Italian ski town in the Alps. I live in LA now where I continue to run my fashion business, Not Just A Label, that I started in London over ten years ago. Besides helping emerging and sustainable fashion designers to be found, I love all things outdoor: from climbing mountains and skiing them down, surfing waves in California and flying a little four-seater airplane into the deserts as well as exploring the wilderness with my pup Ranger. Currently we are driving across the United States in an Airstream and sleeping under the stars.


Your pup at a glance:
Name: Ranger
Breed: Sable German Shepherd
Age: 16 Months

How would you describe your pup’s personalities?
Fearless. At 16 months this pup has done and seen more than I have in my first 16 years (!) of my life. He’s been on small planes, he’s been on surf and paddle boards. Last week he jumped off a boat into a lake on the border with Canada and in Texas his best friend was a Bison, whom he played with for hours.


Tell us about the first time you brought your dog on the road?
To see if Airstream life was for us, we rented one last summer and travelled to Idaho, Wyoming and Montana. Ranger was in heaven, from exploring a different wilderness every night to long naps in the car. What a life!stefan_ranger3

What sort of energy does your pup bring to your travels?Besides being a companion, Ranger has been in a Schutzhund training since he was three months old. We train pretty much every day, from tracking to obedience as well as protection exercises. We have stayed in complete wilderness where he can alert me, and sometimes we drive through rougher areas of the country and to have him on my side works as a great deterrent to sinister people – which we have certainly come across.



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