Prepare Your Pup For Fun In The Sun!

Puxatawny Phil has officially spoken, and it looks like we’re stuck with another 6 weeks of winter. While it’s not quite time to pack away those winter coats and throw on the sunscreen just yet, parts of the country are welcoming warmer weather – here’s some tips and tricks on how to prepare your pup for the warmer weather, and how to enjoy it even more!

Ticks, Fleas, Worms. Oh My!

As the warmer weather creeps in, so do the critters! Keep your fur babies safe from diseases by taking preventative steps for your pet. Fleas and ticks can cause a host of problems for you and your pup!

Here are a list of ways you can be cautious about preventing infestation:

Ask your vet about year round medication.

This is one of the easiest and efficient ways to prevent fleas and ticks from even becoming an issue in the first place. These critters can be an issue all year in some places of the world, (we deal with them year-round in the PNW!) and keeping the problem from ever happening with medication can be a lifesaver! Just make sure to check with your vet before using medication.



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