Prone to Pruritus: 10 dog breeds with itchy skin

Dermatological issues are a primary concern of many dog owners. In fact, itching—often referred to as Pruritus—is one of the most common reasons pet parents seek veterinary care, according to the Merck Veterinary Manual. Pet parents know how difficult it can be to watch their dog itch incessantly.

While all dogs are susceptible to Pruritus, some breeds are predisposed to itchy skin. It is important for pet parents to understand their dog’s genetic predispositions for Pruritus so they can address underlying issues and help their canine companion feel their best. Which dog breeds are prone to itchy skin? How can CBD + CBDA help these dogs find relief?

What is Pruritus?

Pruritus refers to the sensation of skin itchiness, which is very prevalent in dogs, notes Merck. Itchy skin often appears as a symptom of a number of common skin disorders in dogs. If you notice your dog itching, either in one localized spot or all over their body, they are likely experiencing Pruritus.

Signs of Pruritus

A dog with Pruritus will excessively scratch, bite, or lick its skin. Itching may be general or confined to one area.

  • Scratching
  • Licking
  • Chewing or biting
  • Rubbing against surfaces
  • Rolling on the ground or floor

Persistent itching can lead to secondary, potentially more serious issues for your dog:

  • Injury at the site of the itch
  • Inflammation, swelling, or redness
  • Changes in pigment of the skin (skin color usually darkens)
  • Skin infection
  • Signs of discomfort, such as vocalization or soreness
  • Alopecia, or hair loss

Incessant itching can easily cause more serious harm to your pet, emphasizes the Veterinary Information Network. This is why addressing Pruritus as soon as possible is so important to protecting your dog’s health.

Causes of Pruritus



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