Protect Your Pet From Lyme Disease


Health is the foremost important thing for your dog and the most concerned topic for pet parents. This National Lyme Disease Awareness Month, we are here to aware you of one of the most common diseases but a curable one.

Let’s Understand How Lyme Disease Is Spread

Black-legged ticks commonly known as deer ticks are ticks that directly do not harm your pet but are vectors that indirectly affect its prominent bacteria- Borrelia burgdorferi. It is transmitted to dogs through the bite of a tick.

Fortunately, once bitten by a deer tick carrying Borrelia burgdorferi the host is not directly affected by the bacteria rather it takes at least 24hours to be transmitted to your pet or a person. Once the tick is transferred to the host it is carried to many parts of the body affecting majorly the joints and kidneys.

In the existing environment when the tick is not feeding on a host they spend their time hanging on grasses and live mostly in the wooded areas; while eagerly waiting for their meal from the host.

Let’s Find Out The Symptoms Of Lyme Disease 

Once your pet is affected by the bite of a tick its body will show some changes which will easily make you analyze the persisting situation of your pet by a deer tick bite. Ideally, the major symptoms are shown in 30 days. But, these common symptoms you would observe at the earliest.

  • Fever
  • Swollen joints
  • Lameness
  • Joint inflammation can migrate from one joint to another
  • Lack of appetite
  • Decreased activity

Since you spot any or all of these symptoms in your pet you must instantly book an appointment with your vet to prevent any further damage to your pet. Luckily, it is a curable disease whose effect can be reduced and the pet can be healthier with an intake of some antibiotics in a routine.



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