Road Trip with your Dog

Our dogs are our full-time adventure buddies, but traveling with a dog is never simple.

Summer vacations that require a plane, train, or bus are usually out of the picture for us dog owners. This is why road trips have become a staple in the dog owners’ guide to summer trips. But even long car rides require a bit of preparation (especially for our more anxious dogs).

So how can you make your road trip easy, upbeat, and fun for your pup? Don’t hit the road without reading the YUP PUP™ guide to paw-some road trips.


If you plan on taking your dog on a 5-hour car ride, but they’ve never been in the car longer than 20 minutes, you’ll want to ease into this.

Instead of going 0-100 (or 20 minutes to 300 minutes), start by bringing your dog for a longer ride. There are a ton of simple ways you can do this. If you’re bringing your dog to his usual dog park, opt to try out a new park in the next town. Your pup will get the reward of playing with new friends while you secretly practice for that long trip.

Pack the Essentials 

Long road trips require a short list of must-haves in order to keep your dog happy and comfortable.

  • Seatbelt / Hammock
dog hammock
  • Food & Water Bowls
dog water bowls and food bowls



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